
  • This smallish pass is located on a gravel road (P2243) that starts and ends at two different points on the  R354 between Matjiesfontein and Sutherland. It provides an interesting alternative to the mainstream Verlatenkloof Passroute, but is longer and slower. This road traverses three passes in a long left hand loop to the west before it rejoins the R354 near the summit of the Verlatenkloof Pass. The three passes include this pass (Bakenshoogte), Smoushoogteand the much bigger Komsberg Pass. Bakenshoogte translates into Beacon Heights.

    The pass is 4,6 km long and displays an altitude variance of 103m producing an average gradient of a comfortable 1:45 with the steepest parts near the summit reaching 1:16. Add in only 6 gentle curves and you have an easy and safe drive ahead of you. The pass offers magnificent wildflowers in springtime and traverses very close by two attractive farm-steads.

  • This smallish gravel pass lies between the Bakenshoogte and Komsberg passes on a gravel road (P2243) which forms an eastern loop off the R354 between Matjiesfontein and Sutherland. The pass is straightforward and has only a single, right hand S-bend near the summit. It ascends 176m in altitude to summit at 1236m, producing an average gradient of 1:16 and a maximum gradient of 1:14. Smoushoogte translates into Trader's Heights.

    The usual gravel road cautionaries apply of loose gravel on corners, corrugations and a possibility of picking up a puncture. The P2243 is one of the best gravel roads in the region to see the spring flower explosion between August and September.