Aim of The Ben 10 Eco Challenge
With the permanent closure of the Ben MacDhui Pass (the anchor pass in the challenge) and a steady decline in entries since Covid, we have made the decition to close the challenge. The event has run it's course and served it's purpose well, which was to boost tourism in the EC Highlands.
Anyone may of course continue to drive, ride or walk the Ben 10, but we no longer require the indemnity or entry form. Noresults will be posted either. To all those that took up the challenge, well done.
To drive ten specific high altitude gravel passes within a time frame of seven days, whilst enjoying the beautiful Eastern Cape highlands scenery. In the process you will be supporting eco-tourism in this remote part of the Eastern Cape, thereby uplifting the local population.
01. Heuningneskloof Pass (1833m)
02. Carlisleshoekspruit Pass (2563m)
03. Volunteershoek Pass (2581m]
04. Naudes Nek Pass (2590m]
05. Lundean’s Nek Pass (2170m)
06. Joubert’s Pass (2234m)
07. Bastervoetpad Pass (2240m]
08. Otto du Plessis Pass (2115m)
09. Potrivier Pass (1783m)
10. Dangershoek Pass (1890m)
How it Works
Drive, ride, cycle, run or walk all 10 passes within 7 days, taking time to discover the natural wonders of the Eastern Cape Highlands and enjoy the local hospitality. This is not a race, but rather an opportunity to embrace eco-tourism in its finest form. The best places to secure accommodation are around Elliot (Mountain Shadows Hotel) and Rhodes.
In Rhodes village there is the Rhodes Hotel and Walkerbouts Inn. For smaller groups and individuals there are numerous farm stays and B&B's.If you're looking for simething upmarket, try the Tenahead Lodge. Contact Rhodes Tourism.
Ben 10 Eco Challenge Entry & Indemnity Form
Here is a video made by Behan Boshoff (In Search Of Stories), which illustrates just how tough the challenge really is (especially as the entire challenge was completed in a day):
Hall of Fame Results
Ben 10 Eco Challenge Hall of Fame
Ben 10 Eco Challenge Latest Entries