There are several farm gates like this to open & close
There are several farm gates like this to open & close - Photo: Trygve Roberts

The 13,7 km long Langkloof Pass (Long ravine or valley) lies deep in the Namaqualand mountains. It parallels the N7 some 30 kms further east and connects Garies with the farming communities of the Langkloof as well as providing a link with Leliefontein, Kheis and Paulshoek further north. The road also provides several circular route options as an enjoyable day drive. If you visit here in springtime (August and September), you will be treated to one of natures miracles as the sun-parched landscape transforms into endless carpets of multi-coloured wild-flowers. Visitors both local and international are attracted to this part of Namaqualand in their droves.



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